The Best Mediavine Alternative for Bloggers (That Pays Well)

So you want to turn your blog into a successful business and make money using display ads? You may have heard about Mediavine, but what if you don’t fulfill their requirements or if they turned down your application? How do you find the best Mediavine alternative for bloggers that pays well?

I’ve tried a bunch of display ad networks in the past years to make more money blogging. Most networks are difficult to set up if you’re not too tech-savvy. Also, I’ve often been disappointed with my earnings.

Luckily, my research has finally paid off and I’ve found the perfect Mediavine alternative you can use: Monumetric.

This post is all about how Monumetric helped me boost my blog ad income by 400% in just 30 days.

I’ll show you how you can use Monumetric to grow your passive income with very little work, too.

Check out these related articles, too:

Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links, meaning I receive a commission if you decide to purchase using my links, but at no additional cost to you. Please read my disclosure for more information.

What if you don’t meet the Mediavine requirements?

As all managed ad networks, Mediavine has a few requirements for you to join them.

Most often, the biggest hurdle is their minimum traffic requirement. To join them, your blog must have at least 50,000 sessions in the previous 30 days (not pageviews).

Mediavine requirements for publishers to join
Mediavine minimum requirements to join

If you are new to blogging, your traffic may be much lower.

But the good news is:

Your traffic will grow eventually. Just make sure you use these powerful methods to grow your blog traffic fast.

Most importantly, you have to be consistent with blogging. If you keep creating valuable, helpful content for your readers, you should see a positive trend in your blog traffic.

Now, that’s easier said than done, right?

I’m not a very patient person, so I want to see quick results. And blog traffic is no exception.

How to grow your blog traffic fast

Back in 2018, I had been blogging for a few years already but I was struggling to get more traffic to join a managed ad network.

So I started using this proven Pinterest marketing strategy to grow my blog traffic.

The tool I used to automate my pinning ultimately grew my blog traffic by 150% in just 30 days.

Sounds good?

In that case, check out Tailwind and see what it can do for your blog traffic. Tailwind is the #1 tool for automating your Pinterest marketing efforts.

After all, what’s the point of pinning everything manually if you have better things to do?

Tailwind scheduling tool for Pinterest marketing

Tailwind finds the optimal time slots for your pins to gain maximum exposure, so you don’t have to worry about pinning at the wrong times.

And if you feel like you’re spending too much time pinning, Tailwind will do all the heavy lifting for you.

Just schedule your pins for the next 1–2 months today and go back to other blogging tasks. Tailwind frees up tons of your valuable time for tasks that actually need your attention.

→ Creat your free Tailwind account here

What to do if Mediavine rejects your application?

Ok, so you fulfilled the minimum traffic requirement and submitted an application, but Mediavine turned it down?

Sadly enough, they don’t always clarify their reasons to do so.

Most often, it’s because their advertisers can’t find enough supply for relevant ads for your blog niche and topic. Some advertisers don’t even share the exact details with Mediavine, so there’s not much you can do here.

Also, the reason may be something as simple as the quality of your traffic. The biggest factor here is geography. If your traffic isn’t mainly from the U.S., the advertisers often can’t find enough ads to be displayed on your blog.

Now, the good news is:

There’s always a good Mediavine alternative to be found. I’ve worked with several display ad networks throughout the years, so I’ve done the research for you.

Related: How to Monetize Your Blog? 5 Powerful Ways to Make Money Blogging

How to find a good Mediavine alternative?

If you want to get accepted by Mediavine, you obviously have a few goals in mind.

Here are three things you should look for in your Mediavine alternative:

1) Fair income:
Most importantly, you want to generate a healthy passive income, of course. The reason why bloggers are looking for a Mediavine alternative is that they want to find a high-paying network to team up with.

2) Easy, beginner-friendly setup process:
Also, you want a managed display ad network that helps you set everything up. If you’re not very tech-savvy, embedding the ad code may feel a tad overwhelming.

3) Support and help:
Finally, you want to find a network that takes care of you and supports you along the way. After all, achieving the best possible ad income is all about testing and monitoring the results.

The #1 Mediavine alternative for bloggers that pays well

Out of all the ad networks I’ve worked with, the best match is Monumetric. I’ve been with them for a while now and I love the results.

I’ll give you a few more details about the network below, but here’s the key takeaway:

When I switched from AdSense to Monumetric, I was hoping for a small boost for my passive income.

But here’s what happened:

Monumetric increased my ad earnings from around $2 per 1,000 pageviews to around $10. That’s an increase of 400%.

That said, I’m more than happy to show you how this Mediavine alternative can help you get the same boost to your earnings with very little effort.

Let’s take a look:

How does Monumetric work?

Both Mediavine and Monumetric are pay-per-view (PPV) based display ad networks.

Unlike AdSense, they pay you for every ad view, not just every click. You’ll earn money even if nobody clicks on your ads.

Monumetric benefits – The best Mediavine alternative for bloggers

But how is Monumetric different from Mediavine?

First, there’s the minimum traffic requirement.

As I mentioned above, you must have at least 50k monthly sessions to join Mediavine. It takes a lot of work to qualify if you’re just getting started with blogging.

Monumetric only requires 10,000 monthly pageviews. It’s much easier to meet their minimum requirement if you’re a newbie blogger.

In fact, Monumetric offers four different tiers or programs according to your blog traffic:

Monumetric monetization programs
  1. Propel Program: 10k – 80k pageviews/month
  2. Ascend Program: 80k – 500k pageviews/month
  3. Stratos Program: 500k – 10mm pageviews/month
  4. Apollo Program: 10mm+ pageviews/month

As your traffic grows, each tier unlocks additional tools for squeezing out every cent from your display ads.

Also, the helpful reps at Monumetric will work with you more closely as your blog grows.

Let’s look at a few more benefits of joining Monumetric:

Why Monumetric is the best Mediavine alternative: 3 key benefits

1: High income

Ah, high ad income! Who wouldn’t want that?

The thing with display ads is that you want to strike a balance between maximizing ad impressions and maintaining a smooth user experience.

In other words, you want to get the most out of each ad unit on your blog. But you don’t want to overwhelm your visitors with too many ads.

Luckily, Monumetric uses header bidding to make sure each ad on your blog earns you the highest possible revenue.

They also work with a massive number of big advertiser partners. This huge pool means you’ll have more potential advertisers competing over your ad space.

When I joined Monumetric, I noticed an increase in my ad income right away. My RPM jumped to $9–10, which is the revenue I earned per 1,000 pageviews.

Monumetric earnings - How much does Monumetric pay

2: Easy and quick setup

What if I said that the increase in my ad revenue didn’t require any work from my side?

In fact, from the moment I joined Monumetric, they did all the work for me. I simply took an hour or so to discuss my ad strategy with a friendly rep to get started.

After that, they just needed access to my WordPress dashboard for the technical part. Seriously, that was all I had to do.

3: Amazing, helpful support

When I started blogging, I was only using Google AdSense. And while it was working OK, I never quite understood all the bells and whistles in their system.

Also, I could never get a hold of an actual human being when I had a question or a problem.

Clearly, this changed completely with Monumetric. I can contact them anytime with my questions and they’re always there to help me out.

The best part?

They get in touch with me, too. Whenever they find something to adjust to boost my ad income, they send me a quick message to see if I’m interested in trying it out.

How you can join Monumetric today

The process for applying and setting up everything with Monumetric is not difficult or complicated.

It will take a couple of weeks to wait for the advertisers’ approval, but it doesn’t require any work from you per se.

First, you can submit your application here.

How to join Monumetric – Monumetric review

Now, be aware that you need a minimum of 10,000 pageviews a month.

If your blog is brand new, you may want to check out these top ad networks for small publishers first.

Give them access to WordPress:
Once you submit your application, you’ll need to give them access to your WordPress admin area. Simply create a new admin user account for them and you’re all set.

Check your emails:
After submitting your application, you’ll get a welcome email from Monumetric. This can take a few days, so just be patient here.

From now on, you will get regular updates via email from the Monumetric team. Make sure you read every email carefully and contact them right away if you have any questions.

Schedule a call with a rep:
Next, you get an email to schedule a call with your rep. This is your best chance to discuss your goals and ad strategy details with them in person.

Use your call to soak up all their expertise about how you can maximize your ad revenue.

Here’s a quick video to help you get started:

Finalize and embed your ads:
Finally, they will optimize the ad unit placement for you and embed the ads on your blog. This doesn’t require any work from you.

Monitor your ad revenue:
After this, you can monitor your ad income in your Monumetric dashboard. The reporting tools are easy to use, even if you’re not too familiar with ad network KPIs. Again, the team at Monu is there to help you out with any questions you may have.

Related: Monumetric Requirements: When and How Can You Join Monumetric?

Final thoughts: The best Mediavine alternative for publishers

If you’re looking for the best Mediavine alternative to maximize your display ad income, there are a few great options to choose from.

However, many bloggers monetize their traffic with AdSense and have never tried Monumetric. They are most likely leaving money on the table.

All in all, I’ve been more than happy with my Monumetric experience and earnings so far. They’ve walked me through every step and done most of the work for me. Thus, I’ve saved heaps of time not having to monitor and adjust my ads regularly.

With that said, if you have a blog that gets at least 10,000 pageviews monthly, then I highly recommend that you check out Monumetric.

If you’re not quite there yet with your blog traffic, use these tools to increase your traffic.

Finally, if that setup fee isn’t your thing, don’t worry. Ezoic is another fantastic display ad network that also requires 10,000 monthly pageviews, but they don’t charge you to join.

Here are a few related posts you may want to read:

If you liked this post about the best Mediavine alternative for bloggers, please drop me a line in the comments below! Have you tried Monumetric or another Mediavine alternative? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

P.S. If you found this post helpful, please give back by sharing it with others! Thanks for your support!

The best Mediavine alternative for bloggers and publishers to make money online
The Best Mediavine Alternative for Bloggers (That Pays Well)The Best Mediavine Alternative for Bloggers (That Pays Well)

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Hi, I'm Mikke!

Blogging strategist, online entrepreneur, freelance web designer and web developer, addicted to delicious coffee and sharing my growth hacks for small businesses. I help content creators start a blog the right way, earn money blogging and work from home so that they can spend more time with their friends and family. Come join me on Pinterest or Twitter!

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