Why Start a Blog? 12 Reasons To Start a Blog Today

If you’re totally new to blogging, it’s sometimes easier to come up with reasons for NOT doing it than the other way around. Therefore, in this post I’ll walk you through 12 solid reasons to start a blog right away. The longer you keep doubting your ideas (and yourself!), the

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3 Essential Blogging Tips for Success

You wish to start a blog but don’t know how to get things right from the beginning? Then you’re in the right place, welcome! In today’s post, I’ll show you how you can be sure your blog will be successful from day 1. With just three blogging tips for success

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10 Instant Tips for Writing an Awesome Blog Post

When you start a blog, you obviously need to have great ideas on what to write about. But when it comes to producing awesome content one blog post after another, it gets difficult at times to stay focused. So, if you’re looking for the best tips for writing a great

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8 Easy Tips for Starting a Successful Blog Today

So you want to start a blog but you don’t know how to make sure it’ll be successful. First of all: congrats for getting this far! Know this: you can start a successful blog today. And more importantly: it’s easier than you think, trust me. Therefore, in this post I’ll share

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How to Choose the Perfect Blog Name in 20 Minutes

Since you’re reading this, I assume you are interested in starting your own blog – that’s great! In this post I’ll show you how to choose the perfect blog name without spending hours and days trying to find one. You don’t want to waste any time at this point, trust

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Growing Your Blog: 7 Powerful Blog Traffic Tools

What if I said that growing your blog doesn’t have to be difficult? If you want more blog traffic, you need to use the right tools to see a positive return on investment. But if you just started your first blog, where should you begin? What’s the best way to

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